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Adults diapers: Abri-Form® X-Plus Brief

Written by Galadriel on 7:54 AM

Abri-Form® X-Plus Brief Features

  • Package Size: 14/Bg
  • Unit Of Measure: Bag

Here is the comment of R. Conley, customer from

"The Abena Abriform X-Plus is one of the best disposable diapers on the market today. Their capacity is well beyond that of Attends or even Molicare Supers. Though they are significantly thicker than most store-brand diapers, they aren't uncomfortable to wear, nor do they hinder the user's ability to walk or sit comfortably.

The tapes occasionally have problems slipping out of place, especially after 6-8 hours, but using the second layer of tape on the diaper, or adding a small strip of masking tape typically solves the problem. The plastic used is very soft and quiet, allowing the wearer to maintain a high level of discreteness.

I strongly recommend these for anyone who needs the protection of a diaper for more than just a few hours between changes."

List Price: $16.50
Price: $15.00
You Save: $1.50 (9%)

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