Adults Diapers Shop

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Adults Prefold Diapers - Gauze Weave Cotton - Night Weight

Written by Galadriel on 7:04 AM

Adults Prefold Diapers - Gauze Weave Cotton - Night Weight
You are buying 1 100% cotton birdseye weave cloth adults diapers in nighttime weight birdseye thickness.

Heavyweight prefold adult xtra large size diaper weighs 1.5 pounds. Fits up to 56" waist. Measures (unwashed) 35" wide x 44" long. Dritz Locking Head diaper pins .These adults night weight diapers have enough absorbency to get you through the night and are durable enough to last several years. High quality cotton birdseye fabric is soft and absorbent.. These are long lasting, high quality adults diapers. Check out our feedback to see what buyers say about the quality of our adults diapers. Thanks for looking!!

Price: $27.95
Availability: In Stock. Ships from and sold by

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